1. Introduction
The R code below can be used to extract some weather metrics such as maximum daily temperature, minimum daily temperature, average or total daily rainfall and other annual metrics from the GHCN weather data set. This code assumes that you have already created a dataframe of the GHCN stations of interest to you. For example, the set of GHCN stations of interest in this exercise consists of the 520 stations within the US that have data for the 80 years from 1936–2015, with less than 2% missing data (see “R: Reading & Filtering GHCN weather data” on how this set was created). This dataframe (stn80 in our case) with the stations of interest should include, at a minimum, the station ID, LAT, LON (the LAT & LON are useful for mapping the metrics).
The GHCN weather data has one data file for each station. The station data file from GHCN has the following format:
Note: the GHCN station datafiles were converted from a fixed width format to a comma separated format.
X.1 X ID year month element Val1 Val2 Val3 Val4 Val5 Val6 Val7 Val8 Val9 Val10 Val11 Val12 Val13 Val14 Val15 Val16 Val17 Val18 Val19 Val20 Val21 Val22 Val23 Val24 Val25 Val26 Val27 Val28 Val29 Val30 Val31
1 42 42 USC00010252 1938 1 TMAX NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 244 256 239 233 222 194 189 233 228 239 239 239 250 250 200 67 67 94 178 233 183
2 43 43 USC00010252 1938 1 TMIN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 67 94 111 111 117 144 144 167 183 183 139 122 150 139 44 -72 -67 -17 -17 78 56
3 45 45 USC00010252 1938 1 PRCP 0 64 25 0 0 89 191 0 0 0 0 15 0 5 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 203 0 0 0 0 0 0 41
4 48 48 USC00010252 1938 2 TMAX 172 161 211 233 261 256 256 256 250 261 256 239 256 233 261 233 233 239 233 128 261 261 178 128 117 211 233 206 NA NA NA
5 49 49 USC00010252 1938 2 TMIN -28 33 83 50 78 156 89 94 106 83 94 100 83 122 89 133 78 128 56 6 78 133 111 33 6 0 44 78 NA NA NA
6 51 51 USC00010252 1938 2 PRCP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 686 0 0 0 114 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA
Note: TMAX and TMIN are in tenths of degree Celsius, so 172 is 17.2C
We will manipulate these station data files in R to create several different metrics and write them to their own output files.
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